Important Update - COVID-19

Friday 20th March 2020 - 8pm
I would imagine that many of you are used to preparing for a busy weekend or heading out for dinner on a Friday evening, but I am sure that today that is unlikely to be the case. As schools close, businesses adjust and all social contact is minimised we, like yourselves, are considering the best practices for this unprecedented situation. That said, we are incredibly lucky that, as a business, we have many systems in place that allow us to function with some degree of normality. Although our beautiful showroom is currently closed to visitors, and we have had to postpone our Spring Showroom Spectacular, we will still be available to answer every call, respond to every email and continue to deliver the very best customer experience that has become synonymous with Elite Audio. The silver lining in all of this, I suppose, is that many of us have much more time to listen to our systems properly, to dig out the old vinyl we have been meaning to listen to for some time, to arrange that home demo that has been on the cards for a while or even to read the Elite Audio Newsletter properly 😊 As ever we remain on hand to help with any of your HiFi related enquiries, to arrange home demonstrations of equipment or even just to have a chat. Providing the couriers continue to deliver your audio delights we will remain able to operate as normal, in line with all of the government advice, as the situation develops. Most importantly we would like to thank our wonderful manufacturers and clients alike for their continued and unwavering support, your loyalty and commitment is truly appreciated. Our sincere thoughts and well wishes go out to all of those who are unwell or have been affected by the virus. If we can do anything to assist in this challenging time please do not hesitate to get in touch. Take care, stay healthy and we hope to speak to you very soon.
Rachael, Head of Sales