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Acoustic Solid's Wood MPX gets HiFi+ in a spin…

This stunning turntable gets the thumbs up from Jimmy Hughes at HiFi Plus—he loved its rock-steady unflappability…

You can read the full review online here—and you can see more detail on our product page right over here.

"As a piece of design it oozes style and elegance"

“First impressions were of a big solid stable presentation. The MPX sounds rock-steady and unflappable, with outstanding pitch stability.”

The quality of finish on the plinth is outstanding–it’s über-classy and feels sensuously-smooth to the touch. Speaking personally, I find the MPX gorgeous to behold.

"It delivers deep powerful bass lines, creating an impression of weight and authority."

"The result was engaging and musically-rewarding to listen to. Plenty of subtle information beguiled the ear, presented in a manner that sounded smooth and effortlessly-natural"

"In every respect, the Acoustic Solid MPX proved to be a superb turntable that performed in an exemplary fashion. With solid build quality and excellent finish, you get outstanding performance at a pleasingly attractive price. It also looks great and should last a lifetime…”

"Stereo placement of images in the soundstage was very secure. There’s decently-wide separation between the channels, and a secure sense of placement”

"Plenty of subtle information beguiled the ear, presented in a manner that sounded smooth and effortlessly-natural. While listening, you could easily ‘forget’ an LP was playing – the sound being more akin to a master-tape…”

"You should definitely audition an Acoustic Solid MPX if in the market for a good high-end turntable”


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