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New Cyrus i9-XR wins Stereonet Applause Award

The Integrated Ampilifier / DAC combination from the UK manufacturer's striking new XR range impresses Stereonet's James Michael Hughes.

You can read the review in full by heading over to Stereonet, and then visit our product page here to see more tech spec and buy one for yourself.

"…a powerful, confident, open and engaging sound, with no rough edges or obvious weak points"

"Sonically it delivers impressive clarity, and dynamics and does so with subtlety and finesse"

"Keith Jarrett's piano sounded bright and airy, with a lovely tonal bloom and lots of overtones"

"As you would expect from any premium-priced Cyrus product, the sound was crisp, clean, and immediate"

"This amplifier offers excellent sound quality at the price, but in a lovely, small and neat package with excellent build quality"

"It sounded beautifully nuanced and airy, with excellent presence and holographic detail"


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